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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

40 day breakthrough challenge

09/20/09 40 day breakthrough is over but the changes continue. I realized the negative thoughts or situations that went through my head were not allowing me to succeed in a healthier me. As I broke through them I replaced them with a positive more healthier way of living. Along the way I lost 10 lbs and 17 total body inches. Woot! Total amount lost in the past 3 month on SXinney is 25 lbs 31 1/2 total body inches. Woot Woot!

Top 10 excuses

10. I don't have the time to work out every day.
9. I don't have the energy to work out every day.
8. I cannot eat 1200 calories a day. That is a lot for me.
7. I've spent all my life trying not to think about food.
6. I've tried everything. This wont work for me.
5. I'm too old to try to become fit and healthy. 4. It's too late for me.
3. I don't have the money for the products.
2. My results aren't happening fast enough.
1. The issue of physical health and wellness is the one issue I have not conquered.

Top 10 breakthroughs

10. It only takes an hour to 1/2 hour out of my day and 30 days to change a habit!
9. Taking the SXinney products and working out definitely give me more energy.
8. If I don't eat I won't lose weight. I have to eat by the clock not by when I'm hungry.
7. SXinney products are so nutritious I still don't have to think about food.
6. Liv products are so simple and the only thing that has worked for me.
5. Never never never too old to have more health and wellness in my life.
4. Never never never too late for me. I will not give up on myself. I will conquer this too. I only
wished I would have done this a very long time ago.
3. I can't afford not to do this. I is actually a part of ones food intake so I just take it out of my
grocery budget.
2. Slower is actually better. This means that is is permanent loss. I'll take that!
1. I am worth it and I will conquer it!

09/13/09 Day 40 of 40 day breakthrough. Lost 2 lbs and 3 total body inches in the last week. I will post total amount lost in 40 days and top 10 excuses and breakthroughs in the next week!

09/07/09 Day 34 of challenge. Last weeks results: Lost 2 lbs and 7 total body inches! Woot! 6 more days and I will reveal total change during challenge. Liv SXinney ROCKS!

09/03/09 Day 30 of breakthrough challenge. It has been amazing. Love my Liv SXinney. I am working out daily and feel great! I am craving working out all day long. As soon as I am done working out I crave working out some more. Crazy I tell you. 10 more days and I will reveal the results of this challenge!

08/16/07 Day 14 of Breakthrough challenge. Lost 1/2" last week. That is 4 total body inches in 2 weeks. Tried to wake up at 5 AM to go work out. Didn't happen. Anyone that know me knows I am not a morning person. But this is all about breakthroughs so I plan to breakthrough this one too. Tomorrow to the gym at 5 AM I go. Funny thing is that I feel so much better exercising first thing in morning. Crazy day. Only thing keeping me sane is my SXinney products and working out. I am hoping one day I can fire my boss. With the residual income it is going to happen very soon.

08/15/07 Day 13 of Breakthrough challenge. Yay went running today. Felt good. Go kicked in and had to go go go all the way running at the park. One day a marathon and a triathlon.

08/14/09 Day 12 of Breakthrough Challenge. Day of struggle and challenge. Definite breakthrough challenge. Wow. There is an amazing person in my life that totally helped me understand the struggle over the last two days. "Challenge, confrontation, and honesty". All healthy and painful but we need it in our lives to move forward. Not many people are willing to do this. Not many are willing to also take it. It is all difficult but necessary. I call this a good kind of pain. I have always been someone who can give confrontation. Most have not confronted me in a loving manner. Incredibly painful but worth it. Tomorrow I post my weeks results. Breathe breathe breathe!

08/13/09 Day 11 of Breakthrough Challenge. Wow really thought I was going to struggle with physical issues, but noooooo, more emotional than physical. I'm not an emotional eater, never have been. I just don't eat much and well instead of my body being super thin it has decided to hold on to everything "just in case". Thanks body!!! So taking the SXinney, cRave, and GO. Love the products and they have made a huge difference. My body is slow to recognize the changes which is frustrating but there are definitely changes. I have gone down one size prior to the challenge and plan on continuing thru the challenge. Keep posted for more breakthroughs!

08/12/09 Day 10 of Breakthrough Challenge. Somewhat of a difficult today. I have to be honest. Worked out too late last night so couldn't go to sleep. Note to self... The GO helped me with my energy a ton today. Didn't want to exercise but walking ...it out. I can do it! It really is so simple. Just drink the SXinney water, take Go, and eat the crave. Great nutritional supplements. Keep posted for before/after pictures.

08/11/09 Day 9 of breakthrough challenge. It is breakthrough because our team is focusing on a (w)holistic approach in making life changes. It is so great to do this challenge with others as well as getting support from so many. Amazingly my experience with Liv SXinney is that it does it all. Great health and wellness, financial freedom, and incredible leader Jeff Tuttle. Focus focus focus. Do a little better each new day!

08/10/09 Day 8 Beginning of week 2. Realized that I do so much better working out in the morning so set a goal to wake up at 5 AM. Well...I tried. Would have been easier to stay up all night lol. I'm just a normal person walking it out! I will conquer this too. End of week 1 results down 2 lbs 3 1/2 total body inches. Total since starting SXinney 15 lbs 14 1/2 total body inches in 6 weeks. Never ever ever let excuses get in the way of your destiny. Goals marathon & triathlon as well as financial freedom to bless those around me. It will happen one day soon.

08/09/09 Day 7 WOOT! End of week 1. Finished workout & drinking protein drink with GO! This is why I love Liv SXinney. End of week results down 2 lbs 3 1/2 total body inches. Total since starting SXinney 15 lbs 14 1/2 total body inches in 6 weeks. Never ever ever let excuses get in the way of your destiny. Goals marathon & triathlon. It will happen one day soon.

08/08/09 Day 6 of breakthrough challenge. Wow what day. Results are going to shock and amaze in just 1 week and total time of being on Liv products. Friends are asking if I can talk about something else and I say no. So simple and so many benefits. Weight and inches loss, more energy, and the list goes on. The breakthrough has been difficult. I cannot lie about that. I spent all my life trying not to think about food and now the challenge and Michelle Lesuer, the Liv International nutritionist suggests I eat every 2-3 hours. I hate that full feeling. It is more mental than physical at this point. We are really crazy in our thoughts surrounding food and nutrition. I hope to be healthy holistically and at a natural weight as I breakthrough all the gunk and the mire.

08/07/09 Day 5 of breakthrough challenge. Week is over but Livin SXinney is not. I decided that I really don't like to work out but when I get going I love it. Why is that? I just say it's a good pain. Losing weight and increasing muscle. Would love a trainer. Maybe I should sign up for LivFit Transformation through Liv International. I love the Go product in my protein drinks. 35 days left. Keep posted and follow our SXinney team as we breakthrough and Liv SXinney. We will post results at the end of the challenge.

8/06/09 Day 4 of breakthrough challenge and it is painful internally as well as externally. I am learning that living SXinney is simple. I didn't realize how mentally challenging it is to eat enough calories. 300-600 calories is not good. I'm so glad I'm taking the Liv product because I need and want optimal health. Thanks everyone for all your encouragement and support

08/05/09 Day 3 and still video technical difficulties but don't stop following us (Paige Holmes, Annje Whorton, and myself). Part of the challenge is to take the Liv products as suggested for optimal health. Awesome awesome changes. Why a 40 day breakthrough challenge? Because all of us have internal toxins that affect our external selves. Follow us as we reveal and heal!!!

08/04/09 Today is day 2 of our 40 day breakthrough challenge. Lost 2 lbs WOOT! Breaking through the chains of life with the help Liv SXinney and my family and friends! Stay posted for more results. Hopefully we will get the videos up and running. We didn't want technical difficulties as an excuse to not start the challenge. Keep up with us daily to see our transformation inside and out!

08/03/09 Today is the day that out SXinney team started our 40 day breakthrough challenge. Technical difficulties for video post but day one is over. Woot. 39 to go. Liv SXinney has changed my life!

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