For each incident where forgiveness is required there is a five step process. Write down each step, as this is part of the process.
- Forgive the other person for what they did or didn’t do.
- Give the other person permission to forgive me for what I did or didn’t do or would like to do in retaliation, or fix them, or prove to them, or change them.
- Forgive myself for what I’ve been doing and not doing to myself: the false beliefs, the endless story of victimhood, the sabotaging, self-betrayal, self-deception and justification that keeps me stuck in a never ending rut of suffering and symptoms.
- See the good and learn the lesson. As I write out these steps a theme will become clear, a virtue will show up, to be practiced and grateful for. All virtues like love, joy, patience, forgiveness, peace, start with an internal picture and feeling that manifests to an action.
- Wish them well. Be grateful for the struggles, challenges, traumas and dramas, for it is in these experiences, these great teachers, that I begin to look inward for the grace and strength, returning to discover who I really am and manifest this externally.
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