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Monday, September 28, 2009

Want Good Health? Make Six Essential Choices

Want Good Health? Make Six Essential Choices
Dr. Roland Phillips

To heal and have a vital, vibrant life I must understand that my habits affect my physiology. Another way of looking at this is that my habits are my physiology. Any symptoms, ill health or vitality, are a direct effect of what we call the six essential choices. The most effective way to avoid pain and illness of any kind is to make healthy choices based upon accurate natural information. My ongoing health depends upon it.

Here is a brief guideline for making healthy choices from “Eat to Live,” by M.T. Morter Jr., MA, DC.
  1. What I eat – My diet needs to consist of approximately 70-80% veggies and fruits, 20% anything else. This keeps my body alkaline (natural state) instead of acidic, preventing injuries & disease.
  2. What I drink – Avoid stimulants like coffee, tea, alcohol, soda. Drink R.O. water and fresh squeezed juices. Liv SXinney, Stevia, Agave, and lemon can be added to water for contrast & taste. These alkalize the body as overly acidic conditions are often preconditions for disease.
  3. How I exercise – Get 30 to 40 minutes of exercise of your choice 3-5 times a week. Keep it fun and aerobic (take your pulse and use this formula developed by Dr. Phillip Maffetone: 180 minus age = heart rate target in aerobic zone, i.e. 180-40 = 140-130 maximum aerobic zone). This will keep fitness, cardiovascular development, fat burning, and capillary development ongoing, to state a few positive benefits.
  4. How I rest – 7 ½ hours of sleep is necessary to detoxify & rebuild our bodies. Keep stimulants, TV/news, exercises, and heavy meals away from when you go to bed to ensure a great night’s sleep.
  5. What I breathe – If I can smell the air I’m breathing it is contaminated. Get an environment of clean, smoke free air to nourish the body and get oxygen to the inside of the cell and make energy.
  6. What I think about consciously & what repeats from the subconscious – How I respond to life and how I react to my internal dialogue can activate the entire autonomic nervous system creating a health time bomb. Tight muscles, misaligned vertebrae, altered digestion, hormone function, immune depression, all are a part of a mind stuck in a altered perception
The care provided at my office in the form of Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique, along with homework, provide a means to seeing life from a higher and healthy perspective through these six essential choices.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Forgiveness is a Health Issue - by Dr. Roland Phillips

Resistance is any negative thought, word, deed, or even tension in my body. I could be on the giving or receiving end of the distress. The key to remember is that if it is in my life there is some lesson I can lean from it. Typically what I judge in another is an aspect of myself that I have not fully accepted, loved, learned & lived from. The situations you may initially look for may be serious physical attacks, traumas, or as innocuous as a snide remark. The key is if I have a repeated thought about myself, others, life, etc. The mind is stuck and needs to be readjusted.

For each incident where forgiveness is required there is a five step process. Write down each step, as this is part of the process.

  1. Forgive the other person for what they did or didn’t do.
  2. Give the other person permission to forgive me for what I did or didn’t do or would like to do in retaliation, or fix them, or prove to them, or change them.
  3. Forgive myself for what I’ve been doing and not doing to myself: the false beliefs, the endless story of victimhood, the sabotaging, self-betrayal, self-deception and justification that keeps me stuck in a never ending rut of suffering and symptoms.
  4. See the good and learn the lesson. As I write out these steps a theme will become clear, a virtue will show up, to be practiced and grateful for. All virtues like love, joy, patience, forgiveness, peace, start with an internal picture and feeling that manifests to an action.
  5. Wish them well. Be grateful for the struggles, challenges, traumas and dramas, for it is in these experiences, these great teachers, that I begin to look inward for the grace and strength, returning to discover who I really am and manifest this externally.
Dr. Roland's website is http://desertdove.com