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Monday, November 16, 2009

BLoX: Our body's homeland security in a bottle

What is Tiaga?

Tiaga is an Indian word meaning “shelf mushroom.” In North America, it the species of hard, woody fungus that grows predominantly on conifer (cone-bearing) trees. It is not listed as edible but is not toxic in any way. In fact, when ground up and used as a nutritional supplement, it has the following properties:

1. Bitter Triterpenes – these are the bitter elements in foods which excite liver function and
aid the body in removing toxins. Triterpenes also provide the precursors to Squaline, from
which the body creates DHEA.

2. Hypoglycemic Glycans and Proteoglycans – these help to regulate the production of insulin
and the regulation of blood sugar. Diabetics have experienced a reduction in blood sugar
levels and Hypoglycemics have experience a regulation of blood sugar.

3. Blood Pressure Stabilizer – angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibiters in Tiaga help the
body control blood pressure naturally.

4. Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors – Tiaga contains Adenosin, Guanosin and 5-deoxy-
5-methylsuphinyl adenosine; powerful aggregation inhibitors that are much more effective
than aspirin in preventing blood clotting in the vascular system.

5. Anti-tumor Polysaccharides – strong anti-tumor activities have been found in the gucanoid
compounds found in Tiaga. These compounds excite the production of Neutrophil White
Blood Cells, Macrophage White Blood Cells, and T-Killer White Blood Cells, as much as
2000 to 4000% within just 20 hours after taking Tiaga!

  • Chelative Effects – The chitinous fiber of Tiaga binds to intestinal wastes and metals, and removes them from the body.

  • Germanium – Highest naturally occurring source of this important oxygen catalyst! Tiaga creates a high-oxygen environment in your body fluids.

  • Tiaga is the main ingredient in BLoX.

    Sunday, November 15, 2009

    What is the health benefit of water?

    What is the health benefit of water?

    All my life, I heard that "your body is about 70% water". Why should you be drinking water for your health? Water is the second most important thing that our bodies need to survive, oxygen being the first. The body could survive for some time without food, but deprive it of water and it would only last a few days. Virtually every job that the body performs requires water. It would seem then, pretty logical that a health benefit of water would be to drink it!

    Here are only a few of the health benefits of water:

    * Water is required for digestion and absorption of food
    * Water is needed to regulate body temperature and blood circulation
    * Water in the bloodstream carries nutrients and oxygen to cells
    * Water is necessary for the kidneys to remove toxins and other wastes

    Have some water to improve your health! The health benefit of water is very powerful, but for a long time has been undervalued. Unfortunately, we generally haven't been very well educated about it. The main point of this article is to offer a basic understanding of why it's vital to be drinking water for your health.

    What is dehydration?
    The body uses about 10 - 12 cups of water a day, through such things as breathing, digestion, elimination and perspiration. So we need to replenish it daily or our bodies will become dehydrated.

    "Dehydrate" means "to lose water, become dry."

    I always thought I was dehydrated only when my lips started cracking and my mouth was super dry. Wrong answer! Those are signs that your body is extremely dehydrated. It only takes a small deficiency of water to throw the body into "dehydration mode."

    "Dehydration mode" makes it necessary for the body to ration an insufficient amount of water to run properly. The body must economize on its use of water to prevent it from being lost. Dehydration can definitely aggravate many health conditions.

    A health benefit of water would be the improvement of many conditions by drinking water for your health, such as:

    * Exhaustion
    * Constipation
    * Asthma
    * Headaches
    * Diabetes - blood sugar level management
    * Heartburn
    * Angina (chest pain)
    * Hypertension (high blood pressure)
    * Joint and muscle pain
    * Immune diseases
    * Depression can be helped by ensuring that you drink enough water for your health.

    I've had (or have) several of the health conditions listed above and from my personal experience and observation, all of them have been improved or alleviated when I drink enough water. Angina (chest pain) is at least partially caused by dehydration. Drink some water the next time you experience mild angina. The chest pain may subside and eventually vanish rather quickly!

    Drugs and drinking water for health
    If you take prescription and/or over-the-counter drugs, it's even more essential to drink enough water for your health. Not only are many drugs dehydrating but all drugs, no matter how well they appear to work, are toxic to the body. Your kidneys need plenty of water to help them flush out toxins, especially when it's getting overloaded with them.

    The secret to fat metabolism
    Another health benefit of water is its role in fat metabolism. The secret to fat metabolism is to drink adequate amounts of water! Why? The kidneys need water to filter out waste and toxins from our bodies. If we don't give our bodies the water it needs, the kidneys "dump" some of their workload on the liver.

    One of the liver's jobs is to assist in fat metabolism. If the kidneys can't do their job due to insufficient water (dehydration), some of their work is given to the liver. You may know what it's like if you have to do someone else's work. You can't do all of your own! When the liver is doing some of the kidney's job, the liver can't do its own job of metabolizing fat very well.

    So one specific health benefit of water, specifically Sxinney water is that you will have more energy from fat being metabolized or "burned" - and a lot of people would like some spare fat metabolized!

    Increasing your water intake gradually
    If you gradually increase the amount of water you drink every day, it's a lot more realistic than trying to "shoot for the moon" and go from a little bit of daily water consumption to at least 64 ounces (in other words, 2 quarts or half a gallon or about 2 liters). That's the minimum amount we're advised to drink per day. If you are overweight, your body needs more than that in order to "burn fat" and flush out the additional toxins from fat metabolism.

    The actual amount of water each person needs does vary and there is some dispute about it. Here's a simple check. If your urine is very light or clear, that's a good sign that you are drinking sufficient water.

    It takes a little bit of determination to increase your water intake if you're not used to it. However, discovering the health benefits of water is totally worth it!

    Things that stop us from drinking water for health
    It helps if you can take a look at what ideas you have that might be getting in your way of drinking plenty of water. For example, one of my friends said that she "hated water." That would get in your way!

    Actually, when you are dehydrated, you lose your natural sense of thirst. As you get your body more and more hydrated, your "natural thirst" will return.

    Not all water is the same. Tap water from the faucet contains all kinds of stuff that makes it not quite enjoyable to drink. Tap water can also defeat the purpose of drinking water for your health due to chemical additives and other toxins. Try different types of water and find one that makes you happy! This includes water that you filter at home of course.

    Water retention and bathroom attacks
    Drinking water may cause one to run off to the bathroom every 10 minutes. This is actually an excuse people use to not drink water which keeps one from the many health benefits of water.
    One way to solve this is by drinking a small amount, just 1 cup, at the beginning of each hour.

    The body will "let go" of the water it's been retaining during dehydration when it starts getting what it needs - so going to the bathroom frequently is only temporary until the body adjusts to being hydrated.

    Water retention isn't from too much water. It's from not having enough, causing the body to "hang on" to the little water it has. When you drink enough water, the body can let go of what it has been retaining.
    Substitutes for water? A myth about drinking water for your health is that coffee and sodas "count" as drinking water. Any drink that isn't just pure water has a different chemical structure than water and thus reacts differently in the body. But some great news is that that the water in fresh vegetables and fruits does indeed contribute towards hydrating the body.

    I used to be a diet soda junkie until I found out that artificial sweeteners are toxic, and discovered that I needed to drink water for good health. I've replaced diet sodas with SXinney water, and it was not difficult because I did it little by little and just kept at it.

    I also found that it's easy to drink the amount that my body needs when I keep the water bottle at my desk and just take a swig every once in a while. And I am definitely experiencing that I really want water now, my natural thirst has returned.

    Don't take my word for it, test this information for yourself! If you drink less than 8 cups per day, find out for yourself if increasing your water intake improves your health and energy levels.
    Make drinking enough water fun...

    This article is by no means a complete look into every health benefit of water. And the truth is, you can pump up the efficacy of your water by adding Liv SXinney and drinking it all day long!

    For more information, have a look at "The Healing Power of Water" - an eye opening and enlightening interview with Dr. Batmanghelidj M.D about the health benefit of water and why we don't really get this information from conventional doctors.

    The late Dr. Batmanghelidj was a pioneer in researching and clinically testing the health benefits of water and is the author of "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" and "Water for Health, For Healing, For Life."

    To our health! *clink*

    Food Toxicologist Touts Benefits of Chlorophyll

    Can These Green Food Pigments
    Prevent Some Cancers?

    George S. Bailey, Ph.D.

    Distinguished Professor of Food Toxicology

    OSU/LPI Affiliate Investigator

    Chlorophyll, the natural plant pigment that lends its color to grass, leaves, and many of the vegetables we eat, may play an important role in prevention of certain cancers. Researchers in the early 1980s discovered that chlorophylls and related chemicals can inhibit the ability of certain DNA-damaging chemicals to cause mutations in bacteria. How might this kind of "anti-mutagenic" activity be important in cancer prevention? Molecular geneticists now know that most if not all human cancers carry mutations in one or more genes that control the rates at which individual cells divide, differentiate, or die. According to current thinking, various combinations of mutations that upset this delicate balance to favor uncontrolled cell growth can then enable this irreversibly damaged cell to form a primary cancer in the lung, liver, blood, bone, skin, or another body organ. Therefore, it seems at least theoretically possible that the anti-mutagenic power of the chlorophylls might allow them to inhibit or reduce the formation of cancers in humans. Recent progress in our laboratory and elsewhere has brought this promise closer to realization.

    People in certain parts of Africa, China, and other developing countries with similarly warm, damp climates have the highest rates of liver cancer in the world. The two major risk factors are chronic hepatitis B viral infection, and exposure to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in the food supply. People exposed to both factors are at extremely high risk for liver cancer. Peanuts, corn, rice, and other grains and nuts stored under warm damp conditions can be infected with the mold Aspergillus flavus, which produces AFB1 as a secondary metabolite. AFB1 is one of the most potent cancer-causing chemicals, or carcinogens, ever discovered. Interestingly, AFB1 came to be recognized as a potential human liver carcinogen only after it was identified as the cause of outbreaks of liver cancer in rainbow trout hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest in the 1960s.

    Much of that pioneering work was carried out at Oregon State University by Professor Russel Sinnhuber who immediately recognized the promise of the rainbow trout as a model of exquisite sensitivity for the study of liver cancer. Postdoctoral fellows and graduate students in my laboratory have been using this model for the past 12 years in a search for means to reduce AFB1-based liver cancer risk.

    Dr. Roderick Dashwood, a postdoctoral associate who came to my lab in 1986, became interested in chlorophylls. Although their anti-mutagenic activity in bacterial assays was then well known, no one knew if chlorophylls could have a protective effect in animals. Rod discovered that rainbow trout fed AFB1 together with chlorophyll chlorophyllin, a simple water-soluble chlorophyll derivative, had greatly reduced damage to their liver DNA compared to trout receiving AFB1 alone. Would this reduce liver cancer development? That question was answered by a Ph.D. student, Vibeke Breinholt, who showed that even very modest dietary levels of chlorophyll chlorophyllin, roughly equivalent to the chlorophyll in one small helping of spinach, strongly reduced liver cancer in trout co-fed AFB1. Vibeke's results also showed clearly that this reduction could be directly attributed to reduced AFB1-DNA damage in the liver. These very exciting findings were the first ever to reveal a true cancer-protective effect by chlorophylls.

    Several important questions now remained before these findings might be taken to human trials: Was the effect unique to trout or would chlorophyll chlorophyllin inhibit cancer in other animals? How did the cancer inhibition come about and would this mechanism likely apply to AFB1-exposed humans? Could chlorophyll chlorophyllin inhibit cancers other than liver or caused by carcinogens other than AFB1 -- that is, might it have a potentially broader applicability? Would native chlorophylls in the plants we eat be as effective as the chlorophyll chlorophyllin derivative? The answers to most of these questions are now known. Rod Dashwood, presently at University of Hawaii, found that chlorophyll chlorophyllin in the drinking water could strongly reduce colon cancer development in rats exposed to heterocyclic amines, which are potent carcinogens isolated from meats broiled at high temperature. Others found similar protection against skin tumors in mice painted with polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and we have shown protection against stomach and liver cancer in trout treated with a carcinogenic hydrocarbon found in tobacco smoke. Subsequent work by Vibeke, Michael Schimerlik, and Tetsu Hayashi showed that chlorophyll chlorophyllin associated tightly with AFB1, even in the acidic environment of the stomach and at the temperature of the human body, which most likely explained the ability of chlorophyll chlorophyllin to greatly reduce bioavailability or uptake of AFB1 from the diet. John Groopman and Tom Kensler two colleagues at Johns Hopkins University, found that dietary chlorophyll chlorophyllin was as effective at preventing AFB1-DNA damage in the liver of rats as it was in trout. Such a simple and safe protective mechanism was almost sure to apply to humans!

    Based on these findings and the known safety of chlorophyll chlorophyllin, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences recently funded a research grant for Drs. Kensler, Groopman, and me to conduct a chlorophyll chlorophyllin intervention trial in a region of China where people are unavoidably exposed to high levels of AFB1 in their diet. In August I ventured to the little town of Daxin where Tom and I, with the help of local physicians from the Qidong Liver Cancer Institute, initiated the trial.

    After screening 500 volunteers, over 200 people were identified with high levels of chronic AFB1 exposure. Of these, 90 people will receive a green sugar pill and 90 will receive a green chlorophyll chlorophyllin tablet with each meal for four months. (The samples are all coded and nobody knows who gets what until the code is revealed at the very end). Blood and urine samples are being collected every second week. By analysis of these samples we hope to tell if chlorophyll chlorophyllin alters AFB1 uptake and liver DNA damage in people as it does in trout and rats. The experiment can detect a reduction of 20% or greater, and, of course, this is what we hope to see. On a personal note, those of us trained in the basic sciences rarely have an opportunity to see our work applied directly to the reduction of human disease and misery. It would be rewarding indeed to see the trout model applied full circle from the discovery of a major form of human cancer risk, to the discovery of a simple means for its prevention. By this time next year I hope to be able to tell you how this turns out.

    The Outcome Follows

    11.28.01 chlorophyll chlorophyllin Reduces Aflatoxin Indicators Among People At Risk For Liver Cancer

    A study conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that taking chlorophyll chlorophyllin greatly reduces the levels of aflatoxin-DNA damage byproducts in the body, which are indicators of exposure to carcinogenic aflatoxins and increased risk of liver cancer. chlorophyll chlorophyllin is a derivative of chlorophyll and is used as an over-the-counter diet supplement and as a food colorant. The results appear in the November 27, 2001 edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    “Our study shows that taking chlorophyll chlorophyllin three times a day reduced the amounts of aflatoxin-DNA damage by 55 percent, compared with taking a placebo,” says Thomas Kensler, PhD, professor of environmental health sciences at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Taking chlorophyll chlorophyllin or eating green vegetables, like spinach, that are rich in chlorophyll may be a practical way of reducing the risk of liver cancer and other cancers caused by environmental triggers,” explains Dr. Kensler.

    Dr. Kensler and his colleagues conducted a double-blind study among residents of Qidong, China. The people of the region have an extraordinarily high rate of liver cancer, which is due in part from routinely eating foods contaminated with carcinogenic aflatoxins. The aflatoxin is produced by molds found in foods like corn, peanuts, soy sauce, and fermented soybeans.

    For the study, researchers recruited 180 healthy adults. Half of the group was given 100 mg tablets of chlorophyll chlorophyllin to take three times a day with meals for four months. The other half was given a placebo. Urine and blood samples were taken over four months to determine the effects of chlorophyll chlorophyllin on excretion of aflatoxin-DNA damage products.

    According to the study’s results, the people who took chlorophyll chlorophyllin showed a 55 percent reduction in aflatoxin-DNA damage, compared to the placebo group.

    “Studies conducted by our co-author, George Bailey of Oregon State University, have suggested that chlorophyll chlorophyllin acts as an ‘interceptor molecule’ to block the absorption of aflatoxins and carcinogens in the diet,” explains John Groopman, PhD, professor and chairman of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Our study shows that chlorophyll chlorophyllin can effectively reduce aflatoxin levels, which should reduce the risk of liver cancer. Since chlorophyll chlorophyllin is found in many foods or can be easily added to the diet, it could be a safe and effective prevention method. The study adds to the evidence that green vegetables contain effective anticarcinogens,” adds Dr. Groopman.

    Follow up studies are planned to determine whether this early protective action of chlorophyll chlorophyllin extends to either delay the onset or reduce the incidence of liver cancer.

    Patricia Egner, Jin-Bing Wang, Yuan-Rong Zhu, Bao-Chu Zhang, Geng-Sun Qian, Shuang-Yuan Kuang, Stephen J. Gange, Lisa P. Jacobson, Kathy J. Helzlsouer, George S. Bailey, John D. Groopman, and Thomas W. Kensler assisted in the research and writing of the article “chlorophyll chlorophyllin intervention reduces aflatoxin-DNA adducts in individuals at high risk for liver cancer.”

    The study was funded by grants from the U.S. Public Health Service, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

    Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued for journalists and other members of the public. If you wish to quote any part of this story, please credit Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School Of Public Health as the original source.

    Monday, September 28, 2009

    Want Good Health? Make Six Essential Choices

    Want Good Health? Make Six Essential Choices
    Dr. Roland Phillips

    To heal and have a vital, vibrant life I must understand that my habits affect my physiology. Another way of looking at this is that my habits are my physiology. Any symptoms, ill health or vitality, are a direct effect of what we call the six essential choices. The most effective way to avoid pain and illness of any kind is to make healthy choices based upon accurate natural information. My ongoing health depends upon it.

    Here is a brief guideline for making healthy choices from “Eat to Live,” by M.T. Morter Jr., MA, DC.
    1. What I eat – My diet needs to consist of approximately 70-80% veggies and fruits, 20% anything else. This keeps my body alkaline (natural state) instead of acidic, preventing injuries & disease.
    2. What I drink – Avoid stimulants like coffee, tea, alcohol, soda. Drink R.O. water and fresh squeezed juices. Liv SXinney, Stevia, Agave, and lemon can be added to water for contrast & taste. These alkalize the body as overly acidic conditions are often preconditions for disease.
    3. How I exercise – Get 30 to 40 minutes of exercise of your choice 3-5 times a week. Keep it fun and aerobic (take your pulse and use this formula developed by Dr. Phillip Maffetone: 180 minus age = heart rate target in aerobic zone, i.e. 180-40 = 140-130 maximum aerobic zone). This will keep fitness, cardiovascular development, fat burning, and capillary development ongoing, to state a few positive benefits.
    4. How I rest – 7 ½ hours of sleep is necessary to detoxify & rebuild our bodies. Keep stimulants, TV/news, exercises, and heavy meals away from when you go to bed to ensure a great night’s sleep.
    5. What I breathe – If I can smell the air I’m breathing it is contaminated. Get an environment of clean, smoke free air to nourish the body and get oxygen to the inside of the cell and make energy.
    6. What I think about consciously & what repeats from the subconscious – How I respond to life and how I react to my internal dialogue can activate the entire autonomic nervous system creating a health time bomb. Tight muscles, misaligned vertebrae, altered digestion, hormone function, immune depression, all are a part of a mind stuck in a altered perception
    The care provided at my office in the form of Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique, along with homework, provide a means to seeing life from a higher and healthy perspective through these six essential choices.

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    Forgiveness is a Health Issue - by Dr. Roland Phillips

    Resistance is any negative thought, word, deed, or even tension in my body. I could be on the giving or receiving end of the distress. The key to remember is that if it is in my life there is some lesson I can lean from it. Typically what I judge in another is an aspect of myself that I have not fully accepted, loved, learned & lived from. The situations you may initially look for may be serious physical attacks, traumas, or as innocuous as a snide remark. The key is if I have a repeated thought about myself, others, life, etc. The mind is stuck and needs to be readjusted.

    For each incident where forgiveness is required there is a five step process. Write down each step, as this is part of the process.

    1. Forgive the other person for what they did or didn’t do.
    2. Give the other person permission to forgive me for what I did or didn’t do or would like to do in retaliation, or fix them, or prove to them, or change them.
    3. Forgive myself for what I’ve been doing and not doing to myself: the false beliefs, the endless story of victimhood, the sabotaging, self-betrayal, self-deception and justification that keeps me stuck in a never ending rut of suffering and symptoms.
    4. See the good and learn the lesson. As I write out these steps a theme will become clear, a virtue will show up, to be practiced and grateful for. All virtues like love, joy, patience, forgiveness, peace, start with an internal picture and feeling that manifests to an action.
    5. Wish them well. Be grateful for the struggles, challenges, traumas and dramas, for it is in these experiences, these great teachers, that I begin to look inward for the grace and strength, returning to discover who I really am and manifest this externally.
    Dr. Roland's website is http://desertdove.com

    Wednesday, August 5, 2009

    40 day breakthrough challenge

    09/20/09 40 day breakthrough is over but the changes continue. I realized the negative thoughts or situations that went through my head were not allowing me to succeed in a healthier me. As I broke through them I replaced them with a positive more healthier way of living. Along the way I lost 10 lbs and 17 total body inches. Woot! Total amount lost in the past 3 month on SXinney is 25 lbs 31 1/2 total body inches. Woot Woot!

    Top 10 excuses

    10. I don't have the time to work out every day.
    9. I don't have the energy to work out every day.
    8. I cannot eat 1200 calories a day. That is a lot for me.
    7. I've spent all my life trying not to think about food.
    6. I've tried everything. This wont work for me.
    5. I'm too old to try to become fit and healthy. 4. It's too late for me.
    3. I don't have the money for the products.
    2. My results aren't happening fast enough.
    1. The issue of physical health and wellness is the one issue I have not conquered.

    Top 10 breakthroughs

    10. It only takes an hour to 1/2 hour out of my day and 30 days to change a habit!
    9. Taking the SXinney products and working out definitely give me more energy.
    8. If I don't eat I won't lose weight. I have to eat by the clock not by when I'm hungry.
    7. SXinney products are so nutritious I still don't have to think about food.
    6. Liv products are so simple and the only thing that has worked for me.
    5. Never never never too old to have more health and wellness in my life.
    4. Never never never too late for me. I will not give up on myself. I will conquer this too. I only
    wished I would have done this a very long time ago.
    3. I can't afford not to do this. I is actually a part of ones food intake so I just take it out of my
    grocery budget.
    2. Slower is actually better. This means that is is permanent loss. I'll take that!
    1. I am worth it and I will conquer it!

    09/13/09 Day 40 of 40 day breakthrough. Lost 2 lbs and 3 total body inches in the last week. I will post total amount lost in 40 days and top 10 excuses and breakthroughs in the next week!

    09/07/09 Day 34 of challenge. Last weeks results: Lost 2 lbs and 7 total body inches! Woot! 6 more days and I will reveal total change during challenge. Liv SXinney ROCKS!

    09/03/09 Day 30 of breakthrough challenge. It has been amazing. Love my Liv SXinney. I am working out daily and feel great! I am craving working out all day long. As soon as I am done working out I crave working out some more. Crazy I tell you. 10 more days and I will reveal the results of this challenge!

    08/16/07 Day 14 of Breakthrough challenge. Lost 1/2" last week. That is 4 total body inches in 2 weeks. Tried to wake up at 5 AM to go work out. Didn't happen. Anyone that know me knows I am not a morning person. But this is all about breakthroughs so I plan to breakthrough this one too. Tomorrow to the gym at 5 AM I go. Funny thing is that I feel so much better exercising first thing in morning. Crazy day. Only thing keeping me sane is my SXinney products and working out. I am hoping one day I can fire my boss. With the residual income it is going to happen very soon.

    08/15/07 Day 13 of Breakthrough challenge. Yay went running today. Felt good. Go kicked in and had to go go go all the way running at the park. One day a marathon and a triathlon.

    08/14/09 Day 12 of Breakthrough Challenge. Day of struggle and challenge. Definite breakthrough challenge. Wow. There is an amazing person in my life that totally helped me understand the struggle over the last two days. "Challenge, confrontation, and honesty". All healthy and painful but we need it in our lives to move forward. Not many people are willing to do this. Not many are willing to also take it. It is all difficult but necessary. I call this a good kind of pain. I have always been someone who can give confrontation. Most have not confronted me in a loving manner. Incredibly painful but worth it. Tomorrow I post my weeks results. Breathe breathe breathe!

    08/13/09 Day 11 of Breakthrough Challenge. Wow really thought I was going to struggle with physical issues, but noooooo, more emotional than physical. I'm not an emotional eater, never have been. I just don't eat much and well instead of my body being super thin it has decided to hold on to everything "just in case". Thanks body!!! So taking the SXinney, cRave, and GO. Love the products and they have made a huge difference. My body is slow to recognize the changes which is frustrating but there are definitely changes. I have gone down one size prior to the challenge and plan on continuing thru the challenge. Keep posted for more breakthroughs!

    08/12/09 Day 10 of Breakthrough Challenge. Somewhat of a difficult today. I have to be honest. Worked out too late last night so couldn't go to sleep. Note to self... The GO helped me with my energy a ton today. Didn't want to exercise but walking ...it out. I can do it! It really is so simple. Just drink the SXinney water, take Go, and eat the crave. Great nutritional supplements. Keep posted for before/after pictures.

    08/11/09 Day 9 of breakthrough challenge. It is breakthrough because our team is focusing on a (w)holistic approach in making life changes. It is so great to do this challenge with others as well as getting support from so many. Amazingly my experience with Liv SXinney is that it does it all. Great health and wellness, financial freedom, and incredible leader Jeff Tuttle. Focus focus focus. Do a little better each new day!

    08/10/09 Day 8 Beginning of week 2. Realized that I do so much better working out in the morning so set a goal to wake up at 5 AM. Well...I tried. Would have been easier to stay up all night lol. I'm just a normal person walking it out! I will conquer this too. End of week 1 results down 2 lbs 3 1/2 total body inches. Total since starting SXinney 15 lbs 14 1/2 total body inches in 6 weeks. Never ever ever let excuses get in the way of your destiny. Goals marathon & triathlon as well as financial freedom to bless those around me. It will happen one day soon.

    08/09/09 Day 7 WOOT! End of week 1. Finished workout & drinking protein drink with GO! This is why I love Liv SXinney. End of week results down 2 lbs 3 1/2 total body inches. Total since starting SXinney 15 lbs 14 1/2 total body inches in 6 weeks. Never ever ever let excuses get in the way of your destiny. Goals marathon & triathlon. It will happen one day soon.

    08/08/09 Day 6 of breakthrough challenge. Wow what day. Results are going to shock and amaze in just 1 week and total time of being on Liv products. Friends are asking if I can talk about something else and I say no. So simple and so many benefits. Weight and inches loss, more energy, and the list goes on. The breakthrough has been difficult. I cannot lie about that. I spent all my life trying not to think about food and now the challenge and Michelle Lesuer, the Liv International nutritionist suggests I eat every 2-3 hours. I hate that full feeling. It is more mental than physical at this point. We are really crazy in our thoughts surrounding food and nutrition. I hope to be healthy holistically and at a natural weight as I breakthrough all the gunk and the mire.

    08/07/09 Day 5 of breakthrough challenge. Week is over but Livin SXinney is not. I decided that I really don't like to work out but when I get going I love it. Why is that? I just say it's a good pain. Losing weight and increasing muscle. Would love a trainer. Maybe I should sign up for LivFit Transformation through Liv International. I love the Go product in my protein drinks. 35 days left. Keep posted and follow our SXinney team as we breakthrough and Liv SXinney. We will post results at the end of the challenge.

    8/06/09 Day 4 of breakthrough challenge and it is painful internally as well as externally. I am learning that living SXinney is simple. I didn't realize how mentally challenging it is to eat enough calories. 300-600 calories is not good. I'm so glad I'm taking the Liv product because I need and want optimal health. Thanks everyone for all your encouragement and support

    08/05/09 Day 3 and still video technical difficulties but don't stop following us (Paige Holmes, Annje Whorton, and myself). Part of the challenge is to take the Liv products as suggested for optimal health. Awesome awesome changes. Why a 40 day breakthrough challenge? Because all of us have internal toxins that affect our external selves. Follow us as we reveal and heal!!!

    08/04/09 Today is day 2 of our 40 day breakthrough challenge. Lost 2 lbs WOOT! Breaking through the chains of life with the help Liv SXinney and my family and friends! Stay posted for more results. Hopefully we will get the videos up and running. We didn't want technical difficulties as an excuse to not start the challenge. Keep up with us daily to see our transformation inside and out!

    08/03/09 Today is the day that out SXinney team started our 40 day breakthrough challenge. Technical difficulties for video post but day one is over. Woot. 39 to go. Liv SXinney has changed my life!

    Thursday, July 30, 2009

    SXinney Mist is AMAZING!

    SXinney Mist is AMAZING! What you don’t know is that not only is it a sugar destroyer but it also does the following:

    • Salt destroyer
    • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
    • Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
    • Reduces insulin needs
    • Assists in weight loss and management
    • Has Cortical balancing effects
    • Diuretic
    • Creates balanced blood pressure
    • Improves headaches/migraines
    • Energy and stamina booster
    • Supports immune system
    • Anti-aging for an aging immune system
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Provides adrenal support
    • Protects against oxidative damage
    • Assists in treatment of abdominal distention or intestinal problems
    • Assists in gastric irritation and ulcers
    • Helps regenerate liver
    • Balances skin issues
    • Decreases lower back pain
    • Enhances endocrine function
    • Speed physical recovery
    • Enhances physical performance
    • Increases mental clarity
    • Increases body’s resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety, and fatigue
    • Protects against stress induced cardiac damage, arrhythmias, & helps prevent arteriosclerosis
    • May relieve insomnia
    • Has a calming effect
    • Enhances neurological and hormonal effects in the body
    • Assists in cellular regeneration
    • Increases visual acuity, peripheral sensitivity, enhances night vision & adaption to darkness
    • Supports balanced cycles in women
    • May improve menstrual cramps
    • May increase fertility from hormone imbalance and stress
    • May increase milk for nursing mothers
    • May increase sperm count
    • Improves ED
    • May be used as an aphrodisiac
    • Tones sexual organs and supports healthy sexual performance
    • May inhibit cancerous tumor growth and decrease metastasis
    • May have anti-tumor effect against breast, stomach, mouth, and ovaries
    • Is chemoprotective and radioprotective
    • Assists in smoking cession

    Tuesday, July 28, 2009

    What is in the SXinney water?

    The Benefits and Wonders of Chlorophyll
    Chlorophyll is miraculous. It has SO MANY health benefits. When ingested, chlorophyll actually helps to do the job of hemoglobin (hemoglobin is so vital to the health of our blood - in fact, blood is approx 75% hemoglobin). It helps to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, boosting our energy and increasing our well being almost instantly.

    Chlorophyll has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level and is known to help cleanse the body, fight infection, help heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune, and detoxification systems. Chlorophyll consumption increases the number of red blood cells and, therefore, increases oxygen utilization by the body. Chlorophyll also reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs. It also breaks down calcium oxalate stones for elimination, which are created by the body for the purpose of neutralizing and disposing of excess acid.

    Other Chlorophyll Benefits

    So in addition to helping to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, chlorophyll, being highly alkaline, also gives the body the following benefits:

    Anti Carcinogenic: Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of carcinogens found in fungus-laden foods such as nuts and grains, the toxins from cooked meats, and air-borne carcinogens (from pollution). It blocks the metabolism in the body of harmful chemicals known as procarcinogens that damage DNA. Studies published in the journals Carcinogenesis and Food and Chemical Toxicology clearly display that chlorophyll inhibits carcinogenesis.
    Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory: containing high levels of the vitamins A, C and E, chlorophyll has strong antioxidant capacity and has also been found to help reduce inflammation.
    Chelation of Heavy Metals: chlorophyll is one of the most important chelates in nature. Its ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer.
    Antiseptic: while chlorophyll doesn’t actually have antiseptic properties of its own, it, quite remarkably, DOES have the ability to aid our body’s tissue in destroying germs. By strengthening tissue, it increases the disease resistance of cells and, at the same time, prevents the growth of bacteria!
    Treats Bad Breath: This one is a real bonus and really works! Chlorophyll has a double-action remedy for bad breath. Firstly, as a deodorizer, it will eliminate odors in the mouth and throat, but secondly (and more importantly) it promotes a healthy digestive tract - which is the primary reason for bad breath.
    Rapid Delivery of Magnesium: this has a highly alkalizing effect on the body and helps to deliver much needed oxygen to cells and tissues.
    Contains vitamin K, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein: which are all also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our immune system.
    How to Get the Benefits of Chlorophyll
    All of the health benefits of chlorophyll are easy to get on a daily basis. The simple way? Eat your greens and drink your greens. I know we are always going on about the importance of greens in your diet, but this is one of the main reasons why - it ensures you’re getting plenty of chlorophyll!

    Here is one source: Green Drink Liv SXinney is simply a supplement of these ingredients that you put in your water! Just drink all day long.

    Fulvic, a natural ionic molecule, is rapidly being recognized as one of the key elements in many scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century. It is one of the most crucial factors in the reversal and prevention of disease*, as well as the maintenance of good health. Nature made fulvic is abundantly obtainable, but like many things, man has interfered with this vital process and it is no longer available in adequate quantities in the foods we eat. You must provide your body with this essential element through supplementation.

    What does fulvic do in the body?
    The fulvic molecule prepares nutrients to inter-react with each other.
    When fulvic is present in the body, nutrients are dissolved into the simplest ionic form and disappear into the fulvic structure. Most of the benefits we receive from nutrients occur are due to their co-factor reactions with each other. Fulvic offers tremendous benefits because it enhances these reactions.

    Fulvic makes all nutrients more absorbable
    Fulvic makes vitamins and elemental minerals (metallic and clay based minerals) more absorbable by complexing them (refines, purifies, combines and re-refines) into organic, ionic forms that are easily transported into and through cell membranes. Once the nutrients are dissolved and complexed by the fulvic electrolyte, they become bio-chemically reactive, bio-available, mobile, and readily absorbable. In a nutshell, this means you get greater benefit from all your nutrients, whatever the source, when fulvic is present.

    Fulvic transports nutrients right into the cells.
    It can often transport many times its weight in dissolved nutrients and elements. Fulvic is so powerful that one single fulvic molecule is capable of carrying 60 or more minerals and trace elements into the cells.

    Fulvic makes cell membranes more permeable
    It makes cell membranes more permeable, so nutrients can more easily enter the cell, as well as allowing waste to leave the cells more readily. One of the strongest advantages of fulvic minerals is that absorption greatly exceeds traditional tablet supplements. As with any nutrient or supplement, the only way your body can benefit, is if it is absorbed. Fulvic enhances this process.

    Fulvic increases absorption of oxygen and decreases acidity
    It quickly destroys acid in the body fluids which helps increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. A lack of blood oxygen is a major contributing factor for acidity. Excess body acidity is associated with virtually all degenerative diseases; including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney stones, tooth decay, sleep disturbances, depressive disorders, and more.

    Fulvic changes the pattern of metabolism of carbohydrates.
    It also intensifies the metabolism of proteins, and has been shown to stimulate the immune system.

    Fulvic improves enzyme development.
    Research has shown that fulvic improves enzymatic reactions in cells and produces maximum stimulation of enzyme development. Enzymes are responsible for over 300 complex reactions in the body. They are the life force behind vitamins and minerals. A lack of digestive enzymes can overstress the digestive system, leading to the malabsorption of nutrients.

    Fulvic is the most powerful natural free-radical scavenger and antioxidant known to science at this time. Free radicals circulate throughout the body, injuring tissue and making cells susceptible to infections, diseases, or worst of all, cancer causing mutations. Fulvic bonds to these free radicals, transforming them into organic, usable substances, or if the cell is too damaged, it is flushed out of the body.

    Fulvic is a powerful de-toxer
    Fulvic has the ability to complex and remove toxic heavy metals and other pollutants from the system. It can either alter them into useable compounds or eliminate them as waste. It detoxifies pollutants, including herbicides, radioactive elements, and toxic metals, by binding to these substances and flushing them out of the body, if unable to convert them.

    Fulvic has antibiotic properties
    Although fulvics are not antibiotics in the technical sense of the word, as prescription drugs are, their antibiotic like effect is comparable to the power of penicillin in equally small amounts. Unlike antibiotics, fulvic can be used indefinitely without creating any antibiotic resistant strains of disease which are common problems with pharmaceutical drugs. People with healthy lifestyles and eating habits, who take fulvic on a consistent basis, report that they rarely get colds or the flu, and suffer very little from allergies.

    An extensive number of studies show that Humic extracts, specifically Fulvic, effectively and safely kill the HIV / Aids virus. Humic based drug purifies blood for transfusions, killing the HIV virus without damaging blood cells.

    Especially pleasing to the parents of asthmatic children is the powerful and immediate effect Fulvic therapy produces. New research by Dr. David L. Hahn of Dean Medical Center, Madison, Wisconsin, shows that asthma patients have been found to have a high level of antibodies for Chlamydia pneumonia, which seems to be a common denominator among asthma sufferers. Comprehensive hospital studies show that humic extracts (fulvic and plant derived minerals) are more effective than conventional drug therapy for asthma, respiratory tract viruses, retroviruses, influenza viruses and even the common cold and flu viruses.

    Fulvic’s function is to balance and energize all cell life and biological properties it comes in contact with. Because fulvic carries both a negative and a positive charge, it energizes cells, and can behave as an electron donor or acceptor, depending on the need. If the individual cell is restored to its normal chemical balance and electrical potential, we have given cells life, where death and disintegration would normally occur. What if the newly energized cells belong to a liver, a heart, or the thyroid? Those organs could have the potential to function at peak performance. Scientists believe disease is rampant today because people are so deficient in fulvic and the minerals, trace elements, and nutrients it contains.

    Scientists have found that fulvic is the element that makes minerals absorbable, which gives it the ability to make a dramatic impact on all kinds of diseases and health problems that afflict us today.

    Although we don’t advertise it as a weight loss product, a great side benefit is that many people report losing excess weight after starting to take fulvic. Body weight balances naturally because fulvic helps correct chemical and hormonal imbalances, assists the proper metabolism of food, and diminishes mineral deficiency cravings. When these changes occur, many people don’t have the desire to eat as much, and don’t crave breads, pastas, and sweets as much.

    More on heavy metal build-up...
    Because fulvic minerals are organic, they will not build up in the body tissues, as do metallic and clay based minerals. When presented as organic fulvic complexes, cells have the ability to accept or reject minerals, including aluminum, lead, arsenic, mercury, etc., at their discretion. It should be considered though that these minerals may not necessarily be present to “nourish” cells, but are needed to act as “electrodes” in the fulvic electrolyte solution. In that capacity they are probably most essential for bio-reactions, electron transfer, catalytic reactions and transmutations.

    It is obvious that when metals, minerals and trace elements become complexed into fulvic, they take on an entirely new property of availability, unlike their original form. It is when fulvic is not present that one should seriously worry about toxic buildup from any source.

    Where does fulvic come from?
    Fulvic is created by microbial activity at the roots of plants. Its function is to dissolve, and convert the metallic and clay based mineral molecules that are in soils, into a form that is usable by plants, animals and people. Once the minerals are dissolved, plants uptake, through their root system, the powerful fulvic substance that is loaded with dissolved minerals and trace elements. Supplements high in fulvic come from ancient deposits of lush plant matter that were buried millions of years ago before chemicals, pesticides, and other harmful substances ever existed. The fulvic strength of today’s plant derived mineral products depends on the fulvic concentration of its source. Fulvic content varies from deposit to deposit similar to the way minerals are found in veins throughout the world.

    Fulvic is no longer readily available in today’s plants
    Because current farming practices use chemicals and pesticides that kill the microorganisms that creat fulvic, the essential natural process of converting metallic and clay minerals to a form that is usable by plants has basically stopped. When the fulvic microorganisms in soil are destroyed, plants are not able to take the undissolved metallic and clay minerals into their root systems. The minerals remain in their original inorganic form in the soil, and our plants become mineral deficient. To complicate matters, the mineral content of our soils is extremely low right now. Farm lands have been overused and minerals are not being replaced the way nature intended. Even organic foods can be deficient because of our depleted soils. Scientists feel this could account for the dramatic rise in health problems that plague our “fulvic starved” society. Foods with high fulvic content are very difficult to obtain, making it essential that we supplement our diets with this essential molecule.

    Monday, July 27, 2009

    More on Fulvic Minerals

    Fulvic Minerals

    Fulvic minerals are finally being acknowledged for its’ astonishing healing properties. Fulvic minerals are quickly being endorsed as one of the main components in many scientific breakthroughs of our time.

    Health professionals and scientists all over the world are starting to embrace the amazing possibilities of fulvic minerals. Interest in various medical communities have recently sky-rocketed

    Fulvic minerals has many benefits not found in other minerals. Fulvic minerals are one of the main ingredients in Liv Sxinney.

    It regenerates and prolongs the time the essential nutrients stay in our cells. Fulvic minerals lessen damages of toxic compounds like heavy metals and other free radicals. And it increases the effectiveness of the other supplements you take. You can say it actually provides the catalyst that help vitamins to be properly used by our bodies.

    If you desire better energy, improved sleep and increased memory adding fulvic minerals contained in Liv SXinney daily is the answer.

    We would wrongly assume that we should be consuming fulvic mineral complexes in the fruits and vegetables we consume, and as a result have fulvic acid in our systems. You don’t have to be a scientist to agree that this is the way nature expected to happen. But this is not happening. And this has not been the case for many years.

    In the U.S. Senate Document 264 states that the mineral content of the world’s farm soil has declined at a startling rate. Over the last decades, the reduction of essential mineral nutrients in the soil in North America is estimated to average 85%. This indicates that in most cases we are only getting as little as 15% of the minerals and nutrients that were once easily available in our food sources.

    These findings show that US soils are extremely depleted of their natural resources and they don’t provide plant foods with the mineral elements necessary for good health and well being!!

    One of the minerals that has decreased over the years are fulvic minerals.

    When a decrease in fulvic minerals is produced, the plants will have less nutrients and minerals.

    A deficiency of fulvic acid may be the most critical element missing in our diets today…….




    Our soils are poisoned with chemicals and pollution and are continually stripped of their nutrient base. Many of our foods are not supplying our bodies with the necessary nutrients, primarily minerals. We must have minerals to perform optimally. When our body does not receive good nutrition from our food it is an invitation to illness and disease.

    Scientist have reported some astounding results in some of their clinical studies.

    Liv Sxinney benefits may include:

    Slow the aging process

    Improved circulation

    Better sleep

    More energy

    Reduced inflammation

    Decreased anxiety

    Better digestion

    Balanced hormones

    Better metabolism of carbohydrates

    Stimulates immune system

    Better resistance to viruses

    Fulvic minerals in Liv Sxinney actually enhances the availability of nutrients and makes them more easily absorbable. It also permits minerals to regenerate and extends the time of essential nutrients. It prepares nutrients to react with cells. It allows nutrients to inter-react with one another thus breaking them down into the simplest ionic forms chelated by the fulvic acid electrolyte.

    The fulvic minerals in Liv Sxinney adds energy to the cells. It is also one of the most powerful antioxidants known today.

    Jeff Tuttle, president of Liv International and formulator of Liv Sxinney, has created products that are built on the foundation of sound scientific and nutritional principles.


    Just add two ounces of LivSXinney to 32-64 ounces of water and drink it throughout the day.

    Sunday, July 26, 2009

    How does Liv SXinney work?

    Liv SXinney is amazing but how does it work? We went to the owner, founder, scientist, and humanitarian Jeff Tuttle to explain how chlorophyllins and fulvic minerals work. The Liv products are helping so many people in so many ways. work along side the very top of the company.

    From Jeff:

    The Liv SXinney is alkaline, and helps flood the body with alkalinity. The pH of our bodies is something that has been established over the course of our life. It is never too late to begin to improve this however it is not an “over night” cure. Alkalinity neutralizes acidity. The byproducts of body metabolism and energy production are acidic (such as lactic acid which is produced when we exercise), as well as many foods and beverages. If we can provide the body with a flood of alkaline foods and drinks it will help neutralize the acid. Besides drinking the Liv Sxinney, it is best if we also eat foods that help alkalinize the body such as green vegetables. The problem is that most of us don’t eat enough of the green vegetables that we should, hence Liv SXinney can jump in and help. In addition we are the only formula with a proprietary blend of pH balanced fulvic minerals. The only minerals that other chlorophyllin products contain are sodium and copper. Ours contains a wide spectrum of naturally occurring minerals that are key in many of our body functions. Other companies also have trace minerals supplements, but they are typically very acidic, like the juices that are available from many companies.

    We have seen many people’s cholesterol levels drop as a result of using the products and program. It is a combination of detox, changing eating habits and energy production in the body.

    I appreciate your trust and dedication to helping others. As you know, we are just getting started, and have a great future to look forward to. Keep working hard over the next few months and you will be a part of the many people that will truly enjoy financial freedom. It is fun doing something that you love and helping others. Let me know when ever I can be of assistance.


    Saturday, July 25, 2009

    Liv Sxinney

    Liv SXinney
    The Foundation Product
    Get it. Drink it. Lose it.

    Liv SXinney is a concentrated blend of chlorophyll and fulvic minerals. You add the concentrate to water and drink it all day long. It balances your energy levels, gives you the needed minerals your body needs to feel healthy, and it tastes great. Drinking Liv SXinney literally floods
    your body with optimal nutrition.

    Benefits of Chlorophyll and Fulvic Minerals:
    • Deodorizes, detoxifies, and balances energy levels
    • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
    • Maintains proper body system balance
    • May improve immune system response
    • Helps to reduce cravings for sweets

    There is so much that can be said for this product: how it hydrates your body, taking away thirst cravings that can often be mistaken for hunger pangs. When you drink Liv SXinney, you are retraining your body to know the difference between thirst and hunger. Another huge plus in Liv SXinney is the fulvic minerals. Our soils have been so depleted over the years by over-farming, the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, that even the very best fruits and vegetables do not have the minerals that we need on a daily basis. The body’s weight-related functions, like appetite, hunger, metabolic rate, metabolism of fats and sugars, blood-glucose levels, calorie-burning, and so on, operate more efficiently when we have an optimum intake of
    minerals. Liv SXinney is full of fulvic minerals which are harvested from ancient plant beds rich in the minerals we need. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, you are flooding your body with a constant source of healthy minerals. Liv SXinney is bursting with chlorophyll and what it does for the human body is amazing. It helps increase stamina and endurance which will
    help your success with a regular exercise program. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, your body remains hydrated, mineral levels remain steady, and this gives you an excellent foundation upon which to build the LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle.

    Mix 2 oz. of Liv SXinney in 32-64 oz. of water. Drink all day long. Use in conjunction with other
    LivFit Liv SXinney products.

    Fulvic Mineral Concentrate, Chlorophyllins, Purified Water, Methyl Paraben, Spearmint Oil, Propyl Paraben, and Stevia

    Friday, July 24, 2009


    Totally Fun Fiber
    Get it. Eat it. Lose it.

    cRave is our secret weapon against hunger and cravings. One packet of cRave contains 5 grams of tasty fiber that fill you up and help you stay on the program. cRave helps balance your blood sugar, gives you a “full” feeling, and provides doctor-recommended fiber, which is vitally important for gastrointestinal

    • Helps you feel full so you eat less
    • Helps to lower cholesterol
    • Reduces risk of colon health issues
    • Benefits gastrointestinal health
    • Helps balance blood sugar
    • Stimulates growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon
    • Tastes great

    Don’t think cRave is some chalky, nasty fiber supplement. Think citrus-tart candy, and you’d be much closer. If you reach for a packet of cRave when you want something sweet, you will be doing your body a great favor. cRave contains Fibersol® a new fiber that has great benefits. Fibersol® has been shown to reduce serum blood glucose and insulin levels, which may benefit diabetics, dieters and exercisers. Fibersol® is a prebiotic. A prebiotic is a nondigestible carbohydrate that stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria naturally residing in the colon. These helpful bacteria are referred to as probiotics. Probiotic bacteria promote health by inhibiting the growth of harmful pathogens thus reducing the potential for infections. cRave also contains inulin, a naturally-derived food fiber. Inulin has unusual nutritional characteristics. It increases calcium absorption and possibly magnesium absorption, while promoting the growth of intestinal bacteria. Nutritionally, it is considered a form of soluble fiber. Inulin has a minimal impact on blood sugar, making it potentially helpful in managing blood sugar-related illnesses. Science aside, adding cRave to your eating plan will help you eat less. There are many different ways to use cRave. Of course you can just open a packet and pour it in your mouth a little at a time. Let it moisten in your mouth and taste the sweet-tart goodness. Always have your Liv SXinney handy when you are taking cRave. The two always go hand in hand. cRave is a great stop-gap measure when you feel like you need to eat something sweet or fattening. Open a package of cRave, and let the tangy flavor subdue your sweet-tooth, and cRave yourself feeling full. It is an incredible help in those rough moments.

    Eat 1/2 to 1 packet of cRave with each meal, as desired. cRave may also be mixed in Liv SXinney.
    Note: be sure to find your cRave “number”. Find the right amount of packets that will help keep your cravings under control.

    Fibersol ™, Citrus Pectin, Guar Gum, Inulin, Fructose, Xylitol, Malic Acid, Natural Flavor, Stevia Extract.

    Thursday, July 23, 2009


    The Inside-Out Cleaner
    Get it. Use it. Lose it.

    ClenzT is the kick-start to the program. Use ClenzT for about two weeks once a month. This will help you eliminate waste and toxins that may be preventing you from losing weight and feeling good. Moving your waste out frequently contributes to good colon health. You’ll feel lighter and have a bounce in your step. We consider it a
    moving experience.

    • Supports normal bowel function
    • Helps the bowels in their normal detoxification process
    • Supports liver and kidney function
    • Cleansing agent for the liver

    ClenzT is formulated to assist your body to move out the excess waste and toxins that may have built up in your digestive system. Additionally, ClenzT works to support normal liver and kidney function. The primary function of the liver, kidneys and urinary system is to expel toxins that result from the body’s metabolism of food and drink. Sometimes, when we have had a diet high in refined foods, alcohol, and sugars, our “clean-up committee” doesn’t function optimally. When you change your diet to healthier foods, the body begins the natural process of detoxification.
    As the extra fat, sugars, and toxins are pushed through the liver and kidneys, the body needs extra support. With the typical American diet, the average number of bowel movements is two per week. Most doctors agree that a healthy elimination
    system would move twice a day. ClenzT gets your system moving on a normal cycle. Unlike many laxative-type products, ClenzT is very gentle. It doesn’t cause excess gas or cramping. It works with the natural rhythms of your body to eliminate in a more efficient manner. Treat yourself to a great morning when you wake up feeling filled with energy and ready to take on the day. ClenzT can help you have a happy morning, every morning.

    Take 1-4 capsules of ClenzT at night every day for 2 weeks. You may require even more capsules for desired results. Capsules may be opened and mixed in water for a refreshing tea.

    Senna Leaf Extract, Natural Lemon Flavor, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Dandelion Root Extract.


    Your Heart’s Best Friend
    Get it. Use it. Build it.

    Go is a power-packed L-Arginine supplement formulated to give you the energy you need for a successful workout. L-Arginine is a vitally important amino acid that has been studied for more than fifty years. L-Arginine is used to make nitric oxide, a compound in the body that relaxes blood vessels. Preliminary scientific studies have found that L-Arginine may help with conditions that improve when blood vessels are relaxed, such as atherosclerosis, erectile dysfunction. Additional studies have shown that L-Arginine may enhance immunity, promote the release of the Human Growth Hormone(HGH), and increase muscle mass.

    Benefits of L-Arginine:
    • Supports cardiovascular health
    • Enhances blood flow to vital organs
    • Combats the effects of premature cardiovascular aging
    • Anti-aging benefits
    • Supports healthy sexual performance
    • May aid in decreasing body fat
    • Maintains healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range
    • May boost energy levels

    Go is great for the athlete, or the person who just wants some extra energy when they go to the gym. Regardless of your work-out level, Go can assist you in building more lean muscle mass. And we all know that more lean muscle mass in your body means you burn more calories lying on the couch with the remote control. Hey, if Shaquille O’Neal can burn 5,000 calories while he sleeps,why can’t you? Go can be added to your bottle of water when you workout at the gym. Sipping Go at the gym will give you more energy and more stamina. You can also put Go in your Liv SXinney and drink it all day long. However you choose to use it, Go is a supplement that is good for your heart, good for your muscles, and good to Go!

    Mix one scoop of Go into 4-8 ounces of water. Stir to dissolve. If water is very cold, it may take up to 1 minute for product to dissolve completely. You can also add it to Liv SXinney water and drink it all day.

    L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Citrulline, Isoleucine, Valine, Leucine, Fructose, Citric Acid, Xylitol, Natural Flavors, Malic Acid, Stevia, Beta-carotene (color).

    Wednesday, July 22, 2009


    Homeland Security in a Bottle.
    Get it. Use it. Protect it.

    BLoX is really like Homeland Security in a bottle. This rich blend of mushrooms and herbs has been formulated to benefit your immune system, which is your body’s security system,protecting you from invading terrorists. Scientific studies on
    the individual ingredients in BLoX have confirmed amazing results, which in the long run will help you feel healthy and stay healthy.

    Benefits of BLoX:
    • Supports the body’s immune system
    • Brings in immediate and powerful antioxidant-rich nutrients
    • Works with your body to fight against free radical damage
    • Builds your body’s own cellular protection against free radical damage
    • Balances your body’s own natural immune defense system

    If you come in contact with people, you need BLoX. If you have children who go to school, you need BLoX. If you shop at a grocery store where people have touched the shopping cart, the vegetables, or the place where you touch the key-pad to enteryour PIN, you need BLoX. There are just too many places where your body’s defense systems may be tested. You can protect yourself more fully by taking BLoX on a daily basis. No one has time to slow down for illness, so you want to protect yourself before you get sick. Cold and flu seasons come several times a year, but the next time you can be ready to fight back. BLoX floods your body with antioxidants, and targets your immune system to boost it and strengthen it. When you do start to feel that scratchy throat or cough, nip it in the bud by increasing your BLoX intake.

    Take 1-2 capsules daily. For periods of immune system stress, take
    2-4 capsules daily.

    Tiaga, Agaricus, Maitake, Turkeytail, Dan Shen, Shitake, Astragalus, Lycci Berry

    Tuesday, July 21, 2009

    SXinney Mist

    SXinney Mist is a powerful spray that not only freshens your breath, but cuts the taste of sugar! Made of proprietary herbs and adaptogens, SXinney Mist is flavored with natural peppermint oil. But the power of this product is in the ingredients. The main ingredient is Gymnema. It is a plant that grows in the tropical forests of central and southern India and in parts of Africa. Herbalists in India have used the leaves of this long, slender plant as a treatment for diabetes for more than 2,000 years. Gymnema is an Ayurvedic herb, and it came to be known as "destroyer of sugar" because, in ancient times, Ayurvedic physicians observed that chewing a few leaves of Gymnema sylvestre suppressed the taste of sugar. It not only destroys the taste of sugar in the mouth, the unique shape of gymnemic acid molecules are similar to that of glucose, allowing it to fill cell receptors in the lining the intestines, thereby reducing uptake of sugar molecules.
    • Cuts the taste of sugar in your mouth
    • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
    • Supports healthy weight management
    • Boosts your energy and stamina
    • Supports your immune system
    • Increases mental clarity
    • Enhances physical performance
    SXinney Mist also contains several powerful adaptogens. The term adaptogens refers to an herb that may increase the body's resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue. All adaptogens contain antioxidants, but antioxidants are not necessarily adaptogens and that is not their primary mode of action. The adaptogenic herbs in SXinney Mist were carefully selected because of their properties which have been shown to support the immune system, balance blood sugar, increase memory, speed physical recovery, and help adapt to physical, emotional, and environmental stress. SXinney Mist can be used in several different ways during the day,
    depending upon your personal cravings and health goals. To help you avoid eating sweet foods, including diet sodas, just spray three times in your mouth, fully coating the tongue. Wait a few moments, and you will find that even if you ate something sweet, it would not be appealing!
    If you wanted to have a few bites of dessert, you can enjoy a small portion, and then spray SXinney Mist in your mouth to remove your desire to eat any more dessert. SXinney Mist can also be sprayed throughout the day to help reduce cravings, maintain balance, and help your
    body adjust to the stresses of life in the 21st century. However you choose to use it, SXinney Mist is a great addition to your health supplementation program.

    Instructions: Spray in the mouth three times, thoroughly coating the tongue. Wait at least a minute before eating.

    Ingredients: Gymnema herb (Gymnema sylvestre), Rhodiola root (Rhodiola rosea), Magnolia bark (Magnolia officinalis), Eleuthero root (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Schisandra fruit (Schisandra chinensis), Ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera), Asparagus root (Asparagus racemosa), Purified water, vegetable glycerine, 10% USP alcohol, peppermint oil.

    SXinney Minnies

    Liv SXinney Samples

    "SXinney Minnies"
    Get it. Share it. Build it.

    SXinney Minnies are the perfect vehicle to get samples to new customers. Filled with 1 oz. of Liv SXinney, one sample pack is the perfect amount for a 32 oz. bottle of water.

    Liv SXinney is a concentrated blend of chlorophyll and fulvic minerals. You add the concentrate to water and drink it all day long. It balances your energy levels, gives you the needed minerals your body needs to feel healthy, and it tastes great. Drinking Liv SXinney literally floods your body with optimal nutrition.

    Benefits of Chlorophyll and Fulvic Minerals:

    * Deodorizes, detoxifies, and balances energy levels
    * Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
    * Maintains proper body system balance
    * May improve immune system response
    * Helps to reduce cravings for sweets

    There is so much that can be said for this product: how it hydrates your body, taking away thirst cravings that can often be mistaken for hunger pangs. When you drink Liv SXinney, you are retraining your body to know the difference between thirst and hunger.

    Another huge plus in Liv SXinney is the fulvic minerals. Our soils have been so depleted over the years by over-farming, the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, that even the very best fruits and vegetables do not have the minerals that we need on a daily basis. The body’s weight related functions, like appetite, hunger, metabolic rate, metabolism of fats and sugars, blood-glucose levels, calorie-burning, and so on, operate more efficiently when we have an optimum intake of minerals. Liv SXinney is full of fulvic minerals which are harvested from ancient plant beds rich in the minerals we need. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, you are flooding your body with a constant source of healthy minerals.

    Liv SXinney is full of chlorophyll and what it does for the human body is amazing. It helps increase stamina and endurance which will help your success with a regular exercise program. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, your body remains hydrated, mineral levels remain steady, and this gives you an excellent foundation upon which to build the LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle.

    Mix 2 oz. of Liv SXinney in 32-64 oz. of water. Drink all day long. Use in conjunction with other LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle products.

    Fulvic Mineral Concentrate, Chlorophyllins, Purified Water, Methyl Paraben, Spearmint Oil, Propyl Paraben, and Stevia.

    Monday, July 20, 2009

    Liv International FAQ's

    Liv International's Products FAQ

    LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle

    Q: I recently started the LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle and have been experiencing problems with constipation, why is that?

    A: Occasionally when a person increases the amount of fiber in their diet, such as the addition of cRave to the nutritional regime, they may feel constipated. , ClenzT was designed to help balance the body’s natural elimination processes and should help with digestion. The effective time for ClenzT is approximately 6-10 hours after taking the capsules, if you are still constipated after that time period you should consider increasing your dose anywhere from 1-4 capsules. After such a cleanse the regular consumption of fiber and prebiotics, like those found in cRave, could help to keep you regular.

    Q: Are the products all natural?

    A: Q: Can my children use these products?

    A: All of the products,except Go, are safe for children. We do not recommend that anyone under the age of 24 use Go.

    Q: How can theLivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle help during menopause?

    A: Both pre and post menopausal women experience mineral loss which is usually characterized by osteoporosis, a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous and brittle due to a loss in calcium. The fulvic minerals found in LivSXinney can be beneficial in helping the body retain key minerals. Also, the Liv International program can help women who experience the characteristic weight gain that often accompanies menopause lose unwanted weight.

    Q: Will the ingredients inLiv SXinney or any of the other Liv International products have a negative effect on a person with diabetes?

    A: Diabetes can cause other health problems such as elevated liver enzymes, elevated triglycerides, obesity and Wilson’s disease. None of these associated problems would preclude a person from using LivSXinney or Crave. In fact, the ingredients in Crave have been found to be useful with the reduction of trigylcerides and lowering cholesterol (LDL). Diabetics are especially in need of minerals and other nutrients so the LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle will be very beneficial to their health overall.

    Q: Can I use these products if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

    A: We recommend that you check with your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Although we feel the products are safe, we cannot give medical advice. It is not recommended that someone pregnant or breastfeeding use Go.

    Q: Why do some people lose inches faster than weight?

    A: Water weighs one pound for every pint and drink and as you hydrate your cells this may cause you to maintain the same weight. If you recently started drinking a large amount of water with yourLiv SXinney, then the amount of water in your system may be greater than it was in your previous “dehydrated” state. Over time your body will equilibrate and you will drop the weight as you lose fat and maintain a hydrated state. However, as you increase your exercise regime you will begin to gain muscle and lose fat but which may also cause your weight stay the same. This is because an increase in lean muscle mass makes you more dense, allowing your body to be more able to burn calories, produce energy and feel better.

    Q: Why do the Liv International products contain paraben?

    A: Paraben accounts for ‹0.1% of our product and is used as a preservative. If such a preservative was not present bacteria from the air or in surrounding areas could enter the product bottle and begin to grow, making the product potentially hazardous. We use paraben because we are vitally concerned about health and the purity of our ingredients. Paraben assures that the product remains safe for use even after opening.

    Q: I have been following all the instructions for the Liv Fit Liv SXinney LifeStyle and I still haven’t lost any weight or inches, what am I doing wrong?

    A: It’s important to understand that everyone loses weight differently. Some people drop weight quickly while others tend to lose it at a slower pace. It’s also possible to lose some weight quickly and then hit a plateau that is difficult to get past. The most important thing you can do at this point is to stick with the program. Making these lifestyle changes and improvements can be difficult but the products have been formulated to help you keep your energy up and your body nourished while working for a better quality of life.

    Liv SXinney

    Q: How does Liv SXinney benefit me if its only ingredients are chlorophyll and a few minerals?

    A: The Liv Fit Liv SXinney LifeStyle includesLiv SXinney, Crave, ClenzT and other products. All these products combined help you to lose weight, detoxify your body and receive key nutrients that are lacking in many of today’s foods.Liv SXinneyitself contains fulvic minerals that have disappeared from our food due to the depletion of soil through the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. The chlorophyll contained inLiv SXinneyis key in helping keep your body increase stamina and endurance. DrinkingLiv SXinneyall day also helps to keep your body hydrated and your mineral levels balanced.Liv SXinneycan also help reduce your cravings for sweets, helping you maintain a healthier lifestyle.

    Q: Will the chlorine found in regular tap water affect the efficiency of the chlorophyll inLiv SXinney?

    A: Chlorine will not inactivate chlorophyll or any of the other minerals found inLiv SXinney. However, chlorine is also never healthy and it is best to avoid it when possible.

    Q: What can I do if I don't really like the mint flavoredLiv SXinney?

    A: It is possible to mixLiv SXinneywith another beverage to help disguise the taste and make it possible for you to drink it all day. Other people have found that mixing theirLiv SXinneywith another flavor, such as lemon oil or fresh lemon,, made it so theLiv SXinneywas more to their taste preference.


    Q: When I take cRave I get light headed and my heart begins to beat faster, what is causing this reaction?

    A: Nothing in the cRave product itself would cause such a reaction. If you aren’t eating five times a day as suggested the hunger could cause lightheadedness. To avoid this you should be careful to eat every three hours and supplement your diet by taking cRave at the beginning of your meals.

    Q: What is the purpose of Inulin in cRave?

    A: Inulin’s purpose is to produce a good environment for intestinal flora to grow, it works best when used consistently. It is included in cRave in a careful amount so that it is effective but does not produce excess gas.

    Q: Is there something else I can take to get the benefits of cRave if I don’t like the flavor?

    A: Although the benefits of cRave go far beyond just ingesting fibers that is one major benefit. You should try to eat large quantities of fiber on a regular basis in order to make up for the fiber you are missing by not taking the cRave.


    Q: What can I do differently if taking the capsule form of ClenzT doesn’t seem to be as effective for me?

    A: Several people have found that the ClenzT works best if they open 2-3 capsules and dissolve it in hot water to make a tea. This can be drunk either hot or cold according to your preference. Also, the capsules themselves are made of cellulose (plant fiber) and will dissolve in the hot water but will also take a few extra minutes.